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propellant powder中文是什么意思

用"propellant powder"造句"propellant powder"怎么读"propellant powder" in a sentence


  • 火箭火药


  • At the same time , with a lot of experiments , the technique of improving deterring - impact of thick - web double - based oblate spherical propellant powder
  • The ageing experiments of single - based and double - based deterred thick - web oblate spherical propellant powder have showed that the transference of deterrent was insignificant within the storing time
  • In this thesis , based on analyzing the data , home and abroad , and manufacturing thick - web single - based oblate spherical propellant powder at nust , the technique of manufacturing thick - web double - based oblate spherical propellant powder was presented , and various affecting factors on its shape and density were discussed , and the technique of improving shape and density was brought forward
用"propellant powder"造句  


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